
Before you found me I was lost.. What was my path, my brick road to wander? I was searching. So many years, tossed between opportunities and worry of not knowing how to steer. And somewhere in the loud cobblestone alleys, lost.. I wasn't lost at all. I left heavily hearted, a bit frazzled and insecure. I found joy, genuineness, presence.. My head towards the sky. When we parted I was sad and gloomy. It was hard to be away. I thought you were my escape, my destructive escape. My Narnia to not take responsibilty. Its a thin line between destiny and escape. Empowered, I returned. In love, hungry, alive, vivid. In love with you, in love with life. I knew I wanted to get the most out of you. I knew what you had the power of doing to me.
You have given me so many gifts, but to break them all down to one word... You have given me bliss. I have found you, I have found my kefi. I am on my path. When you find your path, you just know. Your soul becomes light as a feather.
To Greece.